A Few SEO Tips

A few SEO tips for all you web designers

1. Make sure you use a different title for each page

Google web crawlers will penalize you for having duplicate content so make sure that yours is original.

2. Backlinks, Backlinks, Backlinks

There are lots of ways to get back links for your site. The more links you have to your website the better. Remember, if you have an amazing web design but no one can find you it doesn’t really matter. I recently joined some charleston web design business listings and some charleston graphic design listings and the results have been amazing! Type in free business listing in google and join join join! Google places is another crucial Backlink as well, plus it’s free!

3. Get keyword domain names

I recently boughtCharlestonWebDesigner.com and redirected it to my site. Your URL will help your web rankings indefinitely so buy away!